Graffiti and flyposting
Step 2: Find the location
Step 2: Exact location
Step 4: About the abandoned bicycle
If you are able to provide more information about the bicycle you have seen, please complete the questions below:Step 3: About the
Step 3: About the
Please enter your details
Important information
I understand that it is my responsibility to report graffiti or flyposting to the correct agency and that graffiti on Network Rail, Virgin Media, BT, TFL, Housing Associations or Lambeth Housing property is not the responsibility of Lambeth Council’s Environmental Services and that any incorrect reports of this nature will be closed on inspection with no action taken.
I understand that agreeing to these terms and reporting graffiti or flyposting on Virgin Media or BT property means sharing my details with that 3rd party company.
I understand that graffiti or flyposting on hoardings and temporary structures are not the responsibility of Lambeth Council’s Environmental Services but that of the owner.
Thank you
Thank you for taking the time to report graffiti. Your reference number is %CONTENDERID%. We will visit the site and remove offensive graffiti within 24 hours and all other types of graffiti within seven working days. We do not remove graffiti more than two meters high from ground level on any building.
Lambeth Council Environmental Services
Thank you for taking the time to report graffiti in one of our parks. Your reference number is %CONTENDERID%. We will visit the site and will remove the graffiti within 48 hours or take enforcement action against the relevant parties.
Lambeth Council Environmental Services
Thank you for taking the time to report flyposting. Your reference number is %CONTENDERID%. We will visit the site and will remove the fly-posting within 48 hours or take enforcement action against the relevant parties.
Lambeth Council Environmental Services
Thank you for taking the time to report flyposting in one of our parks. Your reference number is CONTENDERID. We will visit the site and will remove the fly-posting within 48 hours or take enforcement action against the relevant parties.
Lambeth Council Environmental Services
Thank you for taking the time to report TYPE. This is the responsibility of British Telecom and we will forward the details you have provided to them.
Lambeth Council Environmental Services
Thank you for taking the time to report TYPE. This is the responsibility of Virgin Media and we will forward the details you have provided to them.
Lambeth Council Environmental Services
Thank you for taking the time to report %TYPE%. Your reference number is %CONTENDERID%. We will try and contact the landowner to get them to clean the hoardings/temporary structure.
Lambeth Council Environmental Services
Thank you for taking the time to report an abandoned bicycle. Your reference number is %CONTENDERID%. We will visit the site and make the owner aware that the bicycle has been reported as abandoned. We will remove within two weeks if the bicycle has not moved or if the owner has not contacted us.
Lambeth Council Environmental Services
Contact information
Thank you for taking the time to report TYPE. This is the responsibility of Royal Mail, and we will be transfer to their website to report that a post box/postal pouch has been vandalised in the next 5 seconds (or click the button below to proceed).
Make a report on the Royal Mail website
Lambeth Council Environmental Services
Thank you for taking the time to report TYPE. This is the responsibility of Network Rail not Lambeth Council and we will transfer you to their website to report the issue in the next 5 seconds (or click the button below to proceed).
Make a report on the Network Rail website
Lambeth Council Environmental Services
Thank you for taking the time to report TYPE. This is the responsibility of TFL and we will transfer you to their website to report the issue in the next 5 seconds (or click the button below to proceed)
Make a report on the TfL website
Lambeth Council Environmental Services
Thank you for taking the time to report TYPE. Unfortunately, this is the responsibility of your Housing Association not Lambeth Council. Please contact your Housing Association.
Lambeth Council Environmental Services
Thank you for taking the time to report TYPE. This is the responsibility of Lambeth Housing and we will transfer you to their website to report this issue in the next 5 seconds (or click the button below to proceed).
Go to the Lambeth Housing page
Lambeth Council Environmental Services